Casino operators contribution to the united states casino industry
In 2018, who could have expected the COVID-19 pandemic to create so much demise in businesses worldwide? After the initial shock from lower revenues, closures, and higher unemployment rates, no one would have been surprised that the world economy would face more hardship. Now that COVID-19's distribution has started in many countries; many are wondering when the vaccine might provide relief.
The US Casino Industry has been feeling the support of casino operators during difficult times. The American Gaming Association released a report that relays both the difficulty felt by casinos from the coronavirus, and their changes to help with communities suffering from it.
Casino operators in the US gambling industry are feeling the palpable loss to their business. The recent figures show that more than 1,000 venues suspending operations because of the pandemic led to 650,000 layoffs or unpaid leaves. The lost casino revenue exceeds $100 billion since 2020.
Casino operators have made a huge contribution to our country. In a time where luxury has been replaced with recycling products and mandatory quarantines, casinos have stepped in with financing and guidance to calm the seas of panic. Not only did they financially support individuals affected by COVID-19 but they moved a large amount of their operations into various regions to sanitize places while distributing kits nationwide.
Read the opinion by Scott Kerbs, public relations manager at the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
The US gambling industry has felt the invincibility of casino operators who help workers in times of need. Spontaneous acts of philanthropy, like continuation of salaries for employees not working as a result of the mandatory lockdown, as well as more coordinated efforts with relief funds that offered financial assistance, have alleviated some of the socioeconomic burden from those who served the city during its greatest moment.